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Quarantine life update

It's really important we relearn the art in resting and relaxing

Man has 2020 been a wild ride... I started this year off the same as I am sure the rest of you did. You know the BIG New Year Resolutions and a plan of how you will RULE the year, take that trip of a lifetime, or cross things off your bucket list... However the switch was flipped!! Like many of us, we are sitting at home wondering what the next step is or when the world will go back of normal while on the other hand we still have people fighting for everyone's safety day to day. Being considered an essential worker myself and being put on lockdown I want to give the biggest thank you to those who continued on despite the fear and risks! Aside from our medical teams I want to personally thank anyone who has worked to keep our stores clean, families fed, and even those of you who have helped create shelters for those in high need. WE ALL THANK YOU FOR YOUR DEDICATION AND GRACIOUSNESS TO CONTINUE TO SERVE OTHERS FIRST NO MATTER WHAT YOUR JOB DESCRIPTION IS.

Warriors are not the ones who always win, but the ones that always fight

As for myself due to having a low immune system and severe asthma I was deemed high risk which was the only reason I was put on lockdown. Imagine trying to breathe through a coffee straw 24/7 now imagine any type of activity only still breathing through the coffee straw... Short description IT SUCKS! So while I was in that state wearing a mask covering my face and trying not to even cough in the slightest because I would be looked at as if I was an infected zombie. I didn't like being confined to my home but I understood it.

Now let me walk you through my first day on house arrest or should I even go more accurately as to mention the first 30 minutes! Yes you read that correctly... The first 30 mins of being home I was ready to LOSE IT! I am the type of person who somewhat likes routines so when my whole routine was thrown off I was in a slight panic mode and not because I don't like change but because going from doing everything to nothing is quite strange. By 11 am that first day I had cleaned our home SPOTLESS down to even scrubbing our front door, knobs, and all! Of course, this had to be the same day my new neighbor was moving in... haha poor thing... I would second guess if I saw a crazy lady scrubbing away on the outside of her home too haha.

As the days slowly moved on I decided I needed to manage my time and figure out my Quarantine life... I began drawing again, painting, and even making tumbler cups (put your orders in) I began to work out and really focus on my mental health. Being an empath means we take on other people's energy and for a time like this it can really weigh you down. If you struggle with any emotions that bring you negativity please reach out to myself or someone you choose because you can't continue to breathe life into others when your own batteries are drained. Dealing with anxiety and manic depression during a time such as this made me realize I just had to be more intentional. More intentional with my thoughts ( an uneasy battle within ALL the time) More intentional with my breathing and more intentional with my communication. Once I muddled through the negativity or the slump of what next... and just sitting in my home staring off at the ceiling (poor Zach catches me doing this frequently) I decided to take control!

For me, this meant instead of sitting in my home on the couch looking out the windows and seeing how beautiful it was, I would take control and go sit outside... alone... Honestly, I have no idea how my neighbors didn't think I was a little crazy haha. I went and plopped my bottom right on the floor outside my door just absorbing the warm sun rays and let me tell you... I could almost feel all the negativity melting away from the hot sun. I started doing this every day and developed my routine slowly. I would wake up, clean, take all my supplements open all the windows, blinds, and even opening my front door! By doing this I didn't feel so trapped I wasn't sitting in a somewhat dimed home stewing in depression or anxiety staring blankly into the TV.

A beautiful life It is built daily by prayer, humility, sacrifice, and hard work

By going outside more without leaving my own space I was able to develop closer relationships with my neighbors. At times we would all find ourselves outside in front of our own homes and just strike up conversations. Because my neighbors are also quarantined we would carry conversations closer and closer until one day we all were gathered around a round table.. still outside with space... Just shooting the breeze. This meant the world to me... It's one of the things I thank the quarantine for because it brought me closer to neighbors that I have lived next to the last few years while getting to know our newest one at the same time. Instead of the quick hello how are you?... We were able to be intentional with our conversations. It was the BEST!! I never really realized how important it was to really feel connected to people.

Some of you may not have the same opportunity of gathering together while still keeping a distance and that is okay. Remember ... I started off sitting by myself for my own mental health. Actually there are times where I will be busy inside and feel a negative emotion creeping up so I would drop what I was doing and go sit outside or even stand there just focusing on my breathing and talking to GOD. It is empowering to be able to recognize when you just need to step away and protect your own mental health (even when sometimes it's from self-sabotage). Recognize what YOU need out of this life and do anything and everything in your power to protect and nourish whatever it maybe. I have learned that Consistency is key! DEVELOP YOUR OWN ROUTINE and change it as many times as you need to fit YOUR life... Just be consistent.

This too shall pass

Be aware of the thoughts that lie to you at night.

You are not forgotten

You are irreplaceable

You have a future

God has a plan


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